Which car at 1500 euros net?

Opel Astra

You ask yourself "Which car can you afford with a net wage or salary of 1,500 euros?" At 1,500 euros net, a used small car up to 6,000 euros is an option. If you can pay for the car in cash, you'll lower your future monthly expenses. However, you can also finance a cheap used car with a salary of €1500. After all, you're lying... Read more

Which car at 1000 euros net? – 11 cheapest cars

Which car at 1000 euros net?

You ask yourself "Which car can you afford with a net wage or salary of 1,000 euros?" At 1,000 euros net, a used small car up to 5,000 euros is an option. If you can pay for the car in cash, you'll lower your future monthly expenses. However, you can also finance a cheap used car with a salary of €1000. Thereby amounts to … Read more

Debt Advice: A Lifeline for People in Financial Distress?

Debt counseling: An effective lifeline for people in financial distress

This page compares the results of four social science studies that examined the effectiveness of debt counseling. In order to assess whether debt counseling is a lifeline for people in financial distress, we compare the effectiveness of debt counseling in four dimensions. The effectiveness of debt counseling is measured in 4 dimensions: economic, financial effectiveness, psychosocial effectiveness, ... Read more

Shares transferred to child tax-free

Shares transferred to child tax-free

With a deposit that runs on your child, the first €9744 (basic allowance) are tax-free in 2021. In addition, there is the savings allowance of €801. This means that €10,545 in share profits are tax-free in 2021. If the basic allowance has not been exhausted, securities can be sold at a profit and immediately bought again. Thus, the acquisition costs increase, which later becomes ... Read more

Interesting facts about trading

Learn trading

Digitization has revolutionized securities trading. Whereas stock exchange traders on the trading floor used to be regarded as a privileged species of people who gained or burned entire fortunes within a short space of time, securities trading is now freely accessible to every adult. Traders trade with the appropriate software directly on their notebook or PC with values worth millions. However, trading still surrounds ... Read more

Free savings plan at ING

While the DKB is turning up the cost screw in 2021, the ING is using its profits to offer offers such as a free savings plan! In the depot comparison, there are now some brokers who offer a savings plan for 0 euros in fees. The ING already has over 150 savings plans available free of charge. However, due to a good financial year, the bank is now... Read more

Follow-up financing for real estate loans - 10 years of savings

Follow-up financing: What do I need to consider?

Anyone looking for follow-up financing for their property in 2021 will benefit from the low interest rates. The low-interest phase should be used to repay the real estate loan with a higher repayment. In the long run, a loan is a burden and it is therefore better to pay off the remaining debt quickly. It is therefore cheaper to use the low interest rate to pay off the remaining debt with the ... Read more

Credit Collateral: Pros and Cons

Credit collateral advantages and disadvantages

Whether it's a loan for retirees, a loan for students or a loan without SCHUFA: Credit collateral is an important design element for loans. Credit collateral is shown in this article. Collateral can be used on a loan to get a loan at all, or to get better terms. This is how loan collateral plays a role in loans for pensioners, loans for ... Read more

Tips for your pension

Why you should think about tomorrow today and how you can protect yourself in the best possible way when it comes to retirement provision. I'll share my four tips for retirement. What mistakes are commonly made when planning retirement? The article also provides answers to this. A common misconception in our society is that many people believe for the... Read more

A look at marriage from a financial perspective


The number of marriages in Germany has been increasing again since 2003: What are the tax and legal consequences? Are married people preferred in Germany? In this post, we take a look at marriage from a financial perspective. Number of marriages The number of marriages in Germany was declining until around 2003. Since then there has been a real... Read more

What returns stocks promise after the crisis


If you don't want to run % pa with an enormous risk, I will present you some new research in the following article. In this way, even as an average consumer, you can benefit as best as possible from high returns on shares with little risk. For 24 years, JP Morgan Chase has published a long-term capital markets outlook on the markets. This year the bank... Read more

Stock portfolio basics you need to know now to turn every stock crisis into an opportunity

A share depot or securities account can create wealth in the long term

If you have a long investment horizon of ten or better 15 years, you can take advantage of these price reductions. If you entered the market during the corona crisis in 2020 or the financial crisis in 2008, you would have made a substantial profit shortly afterwards. Even if the markets collapsed even further in the short term. In 5, 10 or 15 years, the ... Read more

Stock market crash: The best time to buy stocks. 2 simple rules!

Stock Market Crash: The Best Time to Buy Stocks

Whether on YouTube, in the relevant financial blogs or in the mirror. Many are reasonable and advise: to use the stock market crash to buy shares. It's the best time in a long time! After all, everything is much cheaper now! The S&P500 crashed from 3,394 to 2,192 points. Price losses of a third. The Dax is even wilder. ... Read more

Passive Income: The 8 Best Strategies! (Ranking)

The Corona crisis in 2020 showed how panic and greed dominate the markets. While in the spring of 2020 the market collapsed by almost 50 % as many seem to be selling without their heads and minds, many opportunities have presented themselves for long-term investors. Because the rebound lasted just 9 months. For opportunities like this... Read more

When will the next stock market crash come? - Advantages of decimation

When will the next stock market crash come - Advantages of decimation

Investors follow the news before a stock market crash with a sinking feeling in their stomachs. The question "When will the next stock market crash come?" is on the table. After all, no one wants to see numerous leading indices plummet by more than 30 percent or more within a few days. In addition, stock market corrections are also becoming increasingly rapid due to the faster flow of information. With a loss of 32 percent ... Read more

Important details on the corona virus for investors

Influence coronavirus on capital markets

This article is from the spring of 2020. It is a republication. Coronaviruses are a group of viruses that cause disease in animals and humans. In humans, the virus causes an infection of the respiratory tract. The disease is initially similar to a cold or flu. However, rarer forms of coronavirus, such as SARS and MERS, can be much more deadly ... Read more

ETF savings plan – long-term illusion?

ETF Savings Plan Illusion

I often read about how you can set up an ETF savings plan and then just let it run for 30 years. But is that really possible? I'll do a quick fact check. The illusion Set it up once and just let it run for 30 years. That doesn't work for an ETF savings plan any more than it works for any other project. Projects always have to ... Read more

A call to save for low earners


At the turn of the year did the costs increase again? The dispo is already back on the attack? With this reality, unfortunately, a large number of Germans are affected every month. The bottom half of German citizens own just one percent of national wealth. According to surveys, every third person is concerned about whether they will have enough money in old age... Read more

Avoid these investing mistakes

Error investment

Managing finances yourself is perceived by many people as too difficult, which is why they leave this topic to bank advisors. Under no circumstances should you give this important topic to others. Making a simple investment isn't difficult as long as you avoid the major mistakes. In the following it is determined which ones they are! “It is remarkable how much long-term advantage people like … Read more

Invest in ETFs without prior knowledge

Invest in ETFs without prior knowledge? This is the promise of numerous robo advisors

Is it possible to invest in ETFs without any prior knowledge? Yes, say numerous robo advisors, i.e. fully digitized investment helpers. To make this possible, numerous start-ups in the financial sector, so-called FinTechs, have been founded since 2013 and written some clever software. This should make it available to a wide range of people - even without knowledge of ... Read more

Yield tuning with the Robo Advisor comparison

The Robo Advisor comparison allows you to quickly and easily compare the performance of different Robo Advisors and carry out yield tuning! With a 7.74 % return over 24 months, Ginmon performed 2.44 % above that of the robo advisors growney. With an investment sum of 10,000 euros, this already corresponds to 244 euros in additional profit. She … Read more

How Harvard and Yale invest

Investing through robo advisors like Harvard University | © Harvard University

What do the pros do differently? The advantage of the Harvard investment fund is not so much in profit maximization as in sophisticated risk management, so that the university lost significantly less value than the S&P 500 during the 2007-2009 bear market. The foundation assets were also able to recover quickly after the crisis . We take a look... Read more

The pension is safe?

Loan collateral car real estate

Is the pension secure? What pension gap will there be later? By what percentage does the last monthly net income before retirement exceed the pension? This number is regularly recalculated by statisticians from the German Institute for Old-Age Provision. The number is also called the pension gap. Retirement income: 3-pillar model Ideally, retirement income is not based solely on statutory pension insurance, ... Read more

How to pay less than 25% tax on dividends

Tax return Is it worth filling in the KAP annex?

If the taxable income in 2020 is a maximum of 17,000 euros for a single person and no more than 34,000 euros for spouses filing jointly, the more favorable test will save taxes in any case. You can find out how to do it here. What is the discount test? If you receive interest or dividend payments, the bank automatically retains the withholding tax amount... Read more

How does spousal splitting work?

Person hand reaching body of water. Photo by Lukas from Pexels

Marital splitting and other consequences of marriage: inheritance, will, alimony, hospitalization. Are the advantages of marriage obvious? After all, the number of marriages in Germany has been on the rise again since 2003: Konto-Kredit-Vergleich.de sheds light on which advantages a marriage offers from a tax and legal point of view. Are married people given preferential treatment in Germany? And how does the marital splitting actually work? How does the marriage splitting work? What ... Read more

Why a loan comparison is worthwhile

Broker comparison

Despite the historically low interest rates, it is important to compare loans with each other. In any case, it is a mistake to accept the offer from the nearest branch bank without having carried out a loan comparison. This is often worthwhile due to the favorable conditions, which are available online in particular. The advancing digitization in connection with the Internet have ... Read more

How do I buy shares (as a beginner)? - with step by step example onvista

How to buy shares (as a beginner)

This is about buying a share with an online deposit. If you are a stock market beginner and are just starting to trade, the question "How do I buy shares?" arises. Therefore, I explain step by step how you can buy a share using the example of onvista Depot*. The procedure is the same with other brokers but ... Read more

What is a deposit?

What is a depot

A "securities account" is often simply referred to as a "depot" or "stock account". The terms are used synonymously here. But what is a depot? How do I find the best for me? And how can I open a securities account? This article answers these questions. But before we get started, a brief history for classification. stock trading… Read more

What house I can afford?

How much house can I afford?

"How much house can I afford?" Based on the net income, the table gives a rough indication of the amount up to which a property can be reasonably financed. As can be seen in the table, the real estate price is 100 times the monthly net income. How much house can I afford? The monthly net income multiplied by 110 gives the ... Read more

Simply create your own ETF portfolio

People woman coffee meeting. Photo by Startup Stock Photos from Pexels

Do you already know one of the simplest investment strategies? It is an ETF portfolio that you can easily create yourself in just a few steps. Stiftung Warentest calls it the slipper portfolio. Others speak of a broadly diversified passive investment strategy. The video summarizes the key facts in just under 3 minutes: Getting started: portfolio selection Before implementing the slipper portfolio strategy... Read more

Withholding tax overview countries: Completely all 95 DTAs on interest and dividends

Withholding tax overview countries

While in Germany the final withholding tax is smoothly deducted from interest income and dividends above the saver's lump sum and directly paid to the tax office, a complex maze of withholding taxes and double taxation agreements opens up for foreign investments. In 2023, Germany has concluded double taxation agreements (DTAs) with 95 countries. Unproblematic are dividend payments from countries without withholding tax such as Ireland, the United Kingdom, ... Read more

Invest money with autopilot – the slipper portfolio

Staying in lane. It's easier with autopilot.

Do you already know one of the simplest investment strategies? Stiftung Warentest calls it the slipper portfolio. Others speak of a broadly diversified passive investment strategy. The video summarizes the key facts in just under 3 minutes: Getting started: selecting a depot Before implementing the slipper portfolio strategy, you need a depot that is as cheap as possible. Find the best depots here (note: Flatex is in … Read more

Retirement provision: 2 mistakes, 4 tips

Retirement planning mistake: Not having an overview

Why you should think about tomorrow today and how you can protect yourself in the best possible way when it comes to retirement provision. I'll share my four tips for retirement planning. What mistakes are commonly made when planning retirement? The article also provides answers to this. A common misconception in our society is that many people believe for the... Read more

How big is your pension gap? - Mind the gap!

Pension gap mind the gap

By what percentage does the last monthly net income before retirement exceed the pension? This number is regularly recalculated by statisticians from the German Institute for Old-Age Provision. The number is also called the pension gap. Retirement income: 3-pillar model Ideally, retirement income is not based solely on statutory pension insurance, but is based on the following three stable pillars: Statutory ... Read more

Marriage vs. unmarried cohabitation


A look at marriage from a financial point of view The number of marriages in Germany has been increasing again since 2003: What are the tax and legal consequences? Are married people preferred in Germany? The number of marriages in Germany declined until around 2003. Since then there has been a real boom in marriages. Statista has the number … Read more

How to protect assets from inflation and state intervention?

Protect assets from inflation

At present, crises of international proportions are taking place all over the world. The effects can be seen in the currently very high inflation, which is reducing consumers' purchasing power and melting away assets. On top of that, it is to be expected that the government could soon take measures to decide whether to access the assets of citizens ... Read more

Compound Interest Calculator - Calculate interest with monthly savings rate

Compound interest calculator: Calculate your interest using the compound interest effect.

Using the compound interest calculator Why did I develop the compound interest calculator? In long-term wealth accumulation, the compound interest effect is an important helper. This is known to many people. Less known is the actual power of this muscle over long periods of time. Through the compound interest calculator, it becomes clear through a few inputs how strong the compound interest effect actually is. To get from ... Read more

Actively or passively managed funds?

Active or passive funds: What makes the money flow into your portfolio?

This article deals with the question of which investment strategy is more successful in the long term. Are actively or passively managed funds better? Beating the market The core promise of actively managed equity funds: Outperform the market, get more returns in a bull market, lose money in a bear market. Is that possible? An attempt at scientific enlightenment The SPIVA study The SPIVA study … Read more

Behavior in a financial crash - How do I behave correctly?

Behavior in the financial crash - How to do it right

The past financial crash in 2020 during the corona pandemic was a scary situation for many. At that time, hoarding purchases in supermarkets, especially of canned goods, spaghetti, rice & co. made clear how scared many were. Also relevant for many investors was the question of whether the corona virus would bring the next major financial crash. After all, the stock markets at the end of April 2020 ... Read more

Jobsora – a great job search website

Nowadays, people have numerous websites available for job search. Unfortunately, most of them have many disadvantages: inconvenient navigation, small amount of job offers, untrustworthy employers, etc. That is why many people looking for a job need a reliable job search website. A new job search website that aims to eliminate these problems is Jobsora. Jobsora … Read more

Advance interest – explained in a nutshell

What are advance interest

With credits and loans one does not get around the topic interest. There are many forms of interest. After all, interest is the most important source of income for a bank. In the case of advance interest, the bank charges the agreed interest for a loan disbursed earlier. However, since advance interest is not included in the installment plan due to the earlier disbursement, it sometimes provides ... Read more

Rental deposit: Best providers in comparison

Rental deposit

Read more: How much house can I afford? What house you can afford Follow-up financing for a real estate loan - 10 years saved Retirement planning: 2 mistakes, 4 tips Marriage vs. unmarried Living together Construction financing comparison Online calculator How does spousal splitting work? Credit when buying a house: Where is equity still slumbering? What does a small car cost per month? How much money for a ... Read more

Investing in Index Funds (ETFs) – Pros & Cons

Investment Index Funds (ETFs) - Pros & Cons Source: https://www.pexels.com/de-de/foto/marketing-frau-kreativ-entwurf-6289065/

More and more investors are now switching to other investments than they were a few years ago because classic savings models simply no longer yield interest. Index funds, also known as ETFs, are particularly popular. But where does this great popularity come from? And are there any disadvantages that potential ETF investors should be aware of? What is an ETF anyway? ETF is short... Read more

Why you shouldn't buy or sell a car without a registration document

Hand car key

No vehicle registration document when buying or selling a car? In this article you will find out why you should not buy or sell a car without a vehicle registration document (today's registration certificate part II). When buying a car without a vehicle registration document, ownership is unclear. Therefore, you cannot prove that the car belongs to the seller and that he is even allowed to sell it. This is how you can at … Read more

Depot for children: papers, taxes & pitfalls

Mother daughter sunset at_sea

Taxes can be saved with a deposit for children. When equipping the depot, attention should be paid to long-term stable securities in promising sectors. The custody account for children is an ideal vehicle for building up assets for the offspring. Pitfalls with health insurance and BAföG should be avoided at all costs. Because these can, if approached incorrectly, cause any ... Read more

How much does a small car cost per month?

You ask yourself "How much does a small car cost per month?" A small car can be maintained for less than 200 euros per month. This includes all costs for fuel, maintenance, taxes and insurance. These costs, also known as the maintenance costs of your car, amount to around 160 euros per month for a small car. In addition, there is the loss of value, which with a ... Read more

ADA Cardano hangs out other new cryptocurrencies

Cardano is a decentralized, public blockchain and cryptocurrency project. It is fully open source and lays the foundation for a very powerful smart contract platform. Cardano offers many advantages over other cryptocurrencies, one of its strongest competitors being IOTA. IOTA, on the other hand, is a new open source distributed ledger that is scalable, lightweight, and allows value to be transferred without fees. ... Read more

Investing in Real Estate: What Beginners Need to Know

Investing in real estate

The real estate market is huge and there are numerous investment strategies for beginners to choose from. Long-term real estate investments are traditional investment strategies where investment properties are purchased and leased to long-term tenants. The most common long-term investment strategies are "buy and hold" and "rent and own." Many real estate investors pursue these investment strategies because of the steady cash flow and ... Read more

General terms and conditions for websites: Legal certainty on the internet

man at the computer. Is he looking for the best website terms and conditions? - We don't know for sure!

Buying clothes or booking the next trip: our lives are taking place more and more in virtual worlds. At the same time, the number of people with their own website is growing. After all, many want to make money as an affiliate. This also increases uncertainty: Do I even need terms and conditions on my website? If so, what belongs in it and what do I have to consider? ... Read more

Stock market crash 2020: Depot wiped out?

Stock market crash 2020

After 6 weeks of coronavirus we are now in full blown economic panic that led to the 2020 stock market crash. The crash due to the corona virus marks the beginning of one of the most sudden recessions of all time. The pace of the stock market crash is frantic. Der Spiegel has compiled this in a clear graphic. The high speed of the stock market crash has to do with... Read more

Behavior in the 2020 financial crisis

The 2020 financial crisis unsettles many. If you are also wondering how to behave in the 2020 financial crisis, this article will help you. Here you will find an explanation in simple words of what the Corona crash is all about. I also give some easy-to-implement recommendations to get out of the financial crisis despite the difficult situation... Read more
