Digital investment through software

Digital investment

Robo advisors invest customer money in a broad range of funds after a risk assessment. I explain how they work and what investors should consider when it comes to digital investments. Expensive help with investing is a thing of the past thanks to digitization: robo advisors use algorithms to find the right portfolio for an investor. I explain what to look out for and... Read more

Invest in ETFs without prior knowledge

Invest in ETFs without prior knowledge? This is the promise of numerous robo advisors

Is it possible to invest in ETFs without any prior knowledge? Yes, say numerous robo advisors, i.e. fully digitized investment helpers. To make this possible, numerous start-ups in the financial sector, so-called FinTechs, have been founded since 2013 and written some clever software. This should make it available to a wide range of people - even without knowledge of ... Read more

Barriers to entry for robo advisors are falling

The providers of robo advisors are increasingly targeting a younger clientele. Generation Y has far less wealth than baby boomers. Consequently, providers must lower the barriers to entry for robo advisors in order to convince younger customers of their offer. The article shows 3 reasons how robo advisors apply the discount principle to the ... Read more

Yield tuning with the Robo Advisor comparison

The Robo Advisor comparison allows you to quickly and easily compare the performance of different Robo Advisors and carry out yield tuning! With a 7.74 % return over 24 months, Ginmon performed 2.44 % above that of the robo advisors growney. With an investment sum of 10,000 euros, this already corresponds to 244 euros in additional profit. She … Read more

Guide: Robo Advisor Germany in comparison & test

Robo advisor comparison

A robo advisor is suitable for people who want to invest their money cheaply with a minimal investment of time. The robo advisors in Germany offer their investment service for small minimum investments. In this guide you will learn what distinguishes a "robo", when a robo advisor is worthwhile for you and what you should look for in the robo advisor comparison and test... Read more

Robo-Advisor Growney in test

Robo Advisor

The robo-advisor growney was founded in 2014 by Gerald Klein and has been active on the German market as a financial investment broker since 2016. The Berlin-Wedding-based company relies on a passive investment strategy with regular rebalancing. Read more about the superiority of passive investment strategies here The provider's five different portfolios are ETF-based and build on equities and ... Read more

VisualVest Experience- Robo-Advisor VisualVest in Test

VisualVest Experience- Robo-Advisor VisualVest in Test

In this article I describe my experiences with the provider VisualVest. VisualVest is a robo advisor founded in 2015 by the Union Investment Group. The company thus combines the speed and flexibility of a start-up with the expertise, security and financial strength of one of the leading fund companies in Germany. Founded in early 2015, VisualVest offers a fully automated... Read more
